Kyle Rittenhouse, Murderer

2022-11-19, updated 2022-11-19

I really don’t have much to say except to remind the world that Kyle Rittenhouse is a murderer in every way, shape, and form.

What’s sadder is that the GOP, Republican Party, or whatever else they pretend to be, invited this murderer to be a guest for the first time they had control of the house again.

What does that tell you about Republicans? About the like or Marjorie Taylor Green or Lauren Boebert. MTG already admitted she was a nazi that didn’t believe in the holocaust. What’s next? Encouraging more people to SEKK OUT MURDER like Kyle Rittenhouse did.

For a reminder - Kyle Rittenhouse is the teenager that showed up to protests, with a gun, looking for a fight, and then murdered someone in cold blood. And the fucking judges in Wisconsin found him not guilty.

I hope to meet him some day and punch him in the face. Assault be damned, it was “self-defense” no matter what, he made me fear for my life.